What can we expect from the 2015 Paris Climate Conference?

In the next few weeks the conference on UN energy and climate change known as COP21/CMP11 will be taking place in the city of Paris. The event is taking place from 30th November to 11th December and is crucial in achieving a new international agreement on combating climate change.

There is now a sense of urgency to create a plan for reducing our carbon emissions. This conference is particularly important as it is the first time a universal legally binding agreement is aimed at being reached in order for a transition into low carbon societies and economies in order to limit global warming to below 2°C.

Some of the speakers involved have stressed that there is no alternative and that everyone should be committed to reducing green house gas emissions . There are also many ways for us all to make a difference, such as making the switch to LED lighting.


By mid-December there will hopefully be a plan in place, with the stakes being so high, do you think this conference will be a success in creating a universal agreement to combating climate change?


What do you think their plan should be?

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