Sponsored Exhibitions

As part of our industry leading re-seller support, we offer sponsored exhibitions for re-sellers of our products. Exhibitions are a great way of meeting with customers and presenting the latest range of products. As most large electrical and lighting exhibitions take place in London, many customers and contractors rarely get the opportunity to meet directly with the manufacturer and inspect products up-close.


With Sedna sponsored exhibitions, we can organise attendance at an event local to you. We bring an exhibition stand, products and staff and you can invite your local customers, architects and contractors to come and meet you and be introduced to our range of commercial and industrial LED lighting products. Networking at events like this offers a great opportunity to build a strong relationship with customers, meeting you outside of the usual work environment – by including your company branding on the exhibition stand design it’s also a great opportunity for exposure.

If you would like any more information about sponsored exhibitions, or have an event in mind you’d like to get involved with speak to your Account Manager or Contact Us today. Not selling LED? Enquire about becoming a distributor.


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